Today in Day3 of this series, I would like to share with you why I do what I do.
Apart from growing in my relationship to Jesus, there is nothing more
important to me than FAMILY!
Families are meant to be our support for life. They help us learn important lessons in life. They encourage us when we are down, redirect us when needed and love us on both sides.
My family spends time together as much as possible and laughs together a lot. We also have worked hard through some tough teary times and come out stronger, even if it took longer than we wished.
I love encouraging my daughters, their husbands and our grandkids. Passing on what we have learned, whether it is gardening, growing great lawns, how to swim, healthy life choices, or many other things, is a precious gift.
So, it is only natural to want to help gather my own personal and financial information to continue to be prepared for them and show them how they can be prepared for their family should something unplanned happen and these days there seem to be more and more events happening that no one could have predicted.
There is peace of mind having details covered even when your children are young in case something goes wrong for parents.
This is another soft landing.
Focusing on our family and doing what we do for them gives challenging projects a much greater purpose and motivation.
Now I know not everyone feels like they have that supportive family, but remember
Are you getting closer to thinking about getting your important family information gathered in one place?
If so, you can always head over to my website
Prepared & Informed Families. When you go to Courses you can consider getting started with the basic Course #1. Grab the freebie for recording contacts for work you have had done on your house too.
It's all for the love of family
Blessings Friends
